Levi had his four-month checkup with Dr. Hedges, his pediatrician, today. She said he looked great! He is growing and meeting developmental milestones right on track. He also received three immunizations, but was a trooper and calmed down pretty quickly. Levi's latest growth stats: Weight: 14 lbs 13 oz (50%); Height: 25 in (55%); Head: 42 cm (45%).
As early as next month and continuing throughout the winter and spring, Levi will start receiving a monthly Synagis shot. This will help protect him from respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, a common, seasonal and easily-spread virus. Most people with RSV disease suffer moderate to severe cold-like symptoms. Preemies and babies with certain heart or lung conditions are at high risk for severe RSV disease, which could lead to serious lung infections like pneumonia and bronchiolitis. So, more shots for little Levi!
At the appointment I was also able to obtain copies of the echocardiogram reports for both Noah and Jacob. Back in July, both boys had echos to make sure that their hearts were healthy. And they are! So, I'm just adding these reports to the binder I've already started for Levi.
I'm so thankful today's appointment went well. Dr. Hedges just really thought Levi looked great, and he sure gave her some really big smiles and belly-laughs!
Now we just wait for the big appointment next week...the cardiologist. On Oct 26, Levi will have another echo performed. Hopefully there won't be any major changes in his aortic valve or his aorta.
Adorable pictures of Levi! I shared them with my class. Those plus the snow, and they are ready to move to Bend!