Just met with Dr Hanley. Surgery went really well!! He came off the heart and lung machine perfectly. We'll see Levi in about an hour.
12:45 PM - Update #3 - Mid-Surgery
Just received an update from the OR. Dr. Hanley removed the blockages below the valve, no Ross. Good news so far! Levi is still in surgery and doing well.
11:00 AM - Update #2
Dr. Hanley stopped by at 10:30am and said he's just about to go in the OR and start on Levi. The plan is to remove the blockages below the aortic valve. Once this is complete, Levi's heart will be restarted and hopefully this sufficiently lowers the pressure gradient. If not, and there is still blockage, but at the ring of the valve, then he will perform a Ross procedure (two valve replacements) to relieve the pressure. He doesn't expect to have to do this based on previous imaging, but he said there is a chance. He reassured us that he's done hundreds of Ross procedures. If all goes well and no Ross is needed, he may be done with his part of the surgery around 1:30pm.
I'll continue to post updates as I know more.
10:10 AM - Update #1
Levi was wheeled into the OR at about 8am and as far as we know is still being prepped/opened. We're still waiting for Dr Hanley to stop by on his way to the surgery. Levi was given Versed while we were with him and was rolled away feeling good and a little loopy. Still hard to say, "We'll see you in a little while." Thankful to pass the time with James and my dear Aunt Jani.

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